Sunday 26 January 2014

Whoring It Up With the Kardashians

Kylie and Kendall Jenner, the 2 young, teenaged siblings of Kim/Kloe/Kourtney Kardashian are supposedly acting out and behaving wildly by doing drugs, partying etc. The speculation for this on the cover of the rag magazines, henceforth known as rags at the risk of insulting the very definition of rag, is that it is in response to the supposed divorce of Kris and Bruce Jenner. Here's a thought; why not admit that they're the children of fame-whore celebrities and washed up olympians who peaked years ago and are trying to keep their fame afloat via scandal and whore-ish behaviours, and only have their 3 less than ideal role-model sisters to look up to. The biggest reason the family is so famous is Kim and her rampant, serial monogamy with every famous black guy, Kris Humphries notwithstanding. If it weren't for her sex tape, the family wouldn't have a TV show. Kim has shown to be a successful business woman, but codependency with money/fame has led her to stupid public stunts, dating Kanye West, and a baby apparently... When was the last time we heard about NorthEast South West, or whatever that poor thing's name is..? Anyways. Back to Kylie and Kendall. These 2 have basically had to raise themselves with komplete (I'm trying to keep up with their k-theme) lack of intelligence outside of how to keep in the spotlight so you can act like a complete jackass and, to quote Denis Leary, celebutard while still collecting an obscene paycheque which could feed an african country and not actually doing an honest day's work. They may be acting in response to the divorce sure, most teenagers will because it is an undeniable emotional upheaval, but the girls don't know how to be a healthy individual, can you really blame them? 

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